I feel like I've been running a marathon all week! There really hasn't been a moment to stop and even catch my breath until this evening, and that was only because we were driving back from a b-day party in West Virginia and I forgot to bring my school bag to work on lessons.
Somehow almost all of our big appointments/meetings/etc. landed on the same week and so it was running from one thing to another every day. We really tried to keep Emmaline on a schedule, but it was very difficult. We are really hoping that this week is easier. As of now, we only have things on Wednesday. I have a staff meeting after school and then Dan has Bible study at 7 so we probably won't get to see each other, but we will be able to get Emma home at a decent hour and keep her on schedule.
Adding lunch seems to be helping with her weight. We took her to the doctor on Friday because she'd been running a fever for 3 days. She was 20 lb, ? oz (Dan can't remember if it was 3 oz or 9 oz). Either way, it's up from 19 lb so may we're back on track. We'll see where she is in 2 weeks when we have her 12 month check up and shots.
We are still convinced that she's teething, but the doctor didn't feel anything new in her mouth. Luckily, she stopped waking up screaming in the middle of the night. She's still clingy and chewing everything. She won't let us touch her mouth and she's starting to reject certain foods.
I can't think of any new developments, other than a rash that appeared this afternoon. I think it's just a heat rash. We were in the car a lot yesterday and it was in the upper 90s. She was a sweaty mess everytime we took her out. Not sure why it would wait until today to show up, but she was wearing long sleeves (it dropped to the low 70s). She only said ma-ma one more time and we can't get her to do it any more. It's almost more disappointing now that I know she can do it!
Cutest thing tonight: I was packing the diaper bag for daycare tomorrow and she took her shoes out of the bag. She walked over to me and plopped down in my lap, pulled the velcro open on her shoe and held up her foot! I went ahead and put her shoes on (because, how can you resist that?) and let her wander around in just her shoes & diaper for a while.
I had lots of lap time with her today. We went to a birthday party for the baby we had Baby Signs class with. They had a guy there singing children's songs which was a lot of fun. Emma decided to park in my lap and just watch all the activities 99% of the time. She does this at the Little Gym sometimes too. I think she's just going to be the type of kid who enjoys sitting back and taking it all in. At daycare, she definitely jumps right into the middle of things. I figure it's because she's so familiar with the place and with those babies. Anywhere else she prefers to be an observer. Part of me wished that she'd gotten up and played, but a bigger part of me enjoyed the snuggly time -- especially since I've been so busy and don't feel like I got to see her much this week or Saturday.