Sunday, April 18, 2010

Days 15, 16, and 17

Day 17
Menu: Pureed pears and butternut squash

Obviously, I'm starting to slack on these daily posts, so some are being combined. I'm actually writing this before her meal tonight, which is part of why the picture is completely unrelated to food (it just happened to be a cute picture we took at Walmart this morning). Hopefully she will like the squash tonight and be a little more interested in the pears.

We ordered a crinkle cutter on today. I've read that cutting the food with the crinkle cutter can help give them a better grip. Sometime this week Dan is going to do a stir-fry so Emma will get to try some broccoli.

Tomorrow is her doctor's appointment. I'm excited to see where she is on the charts for her weight & height. Not looking forward to the shots. I can't remember if she gets more or less shots this time. She has done really well on the last two sets of shots, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Dan is great and he helps hold her during the shots, while I sit across the room. As soon as the nurses give the ok, he brings her over and I nurse her. It takes a couple minutes, but settles her down. By the time we get home she usually sleeps for a while and then is ready to play! Hopefully she'll be willing to stick with that routine ;)

Day 16
Menu: banana and pureed pears

Emmaline has been super sleepy for the past week. She slept 11 hours last night (woke her up once to nurse), was awake for 3 hours, then took a three hour nap, up for two hours, back to sleep, etc. We keep telling ourselves that it's a growth spurt - but this is a pretty long growth spurt. We have her 6 month appointment on Monday and I won't be surprised to find out that she is sick. I've started to think 'thrush' because there are a couple white specks on her tongue and another part of me is thinking 'ear infection' although I have no real reason to suspect that. She's not being fussy, just sleepy! She gummed away on the banana and was biting off pretty big chunks. She ate some of the pears, but I think she was getting tired at that point because she wasn't very interested.

Day 15 - Dan @ soccer game = no solid food for Emma

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